Tag Archives: social media marketing

Twitter Mastery, Small Business-Style!

Cartoon blue bird sitting on rope, singing - "Tweet" comes out of its mouth in a bubble. Keyword: Twitter

Twitter – love it or hate it, you can’t get away from it. So why not learn how to use it? We asked Allan Pollett, social media consultant and the “SEO Guru”, to talk to us about stragegies for entrepreneurs to make Twitter work as hard for their small businesses as they do…and he didn’t disappoint!

Beginning with the Twitter Basics

Twitter is great, Pollett explains, because it lets us communicate with anyone in the world at any moment – no phones, no wait times for mail delivery, no need for even formal introductions. Twitter has a billion accounts, and you can send out messages, or tweets, to each of them from your Twitter account, with no charge per tweet.

You can put links, images, gif files, and videos in a tweet.

You can Like and Retweet tweets that other Twitter users have made.

You can track views of your tweets, engagement with them, and other analytic information.

Hashtag #Madness!

When you send a tweet, it shows up on the timeline of each person that follows you. You won’t have any followers when you join Twitter, and most people don’t have followers (although some do!) However, you can increase the potential audience for a tween by using hashtags. A hashtag looks likes this: #. When you add it to a word or phrase (like #ThursdayThoughts), then anyone who searches the #ThursdayThoughts hashtag, even if they don’t know you, will see your tweet and maybe interact with it. You’ve expanded your reach and joined the conversation about Thursday Thoughts!

Hashtags are a great tool for businesses, and Alan talks about a few great ways to leverage their power.

The 60-40 Rule

Because Allan is such a Twitter rockstar, he actually figured out that Twitter works best for businesses when 60% of their tweets are business-related (tweets about products, offers, sales) and 40% are other information that your customers might find useful – articles, resources, relevant humour. Great tip: People really like quotations by famous people, and tend to share them with others.

Growing Your Twitter Following

Call a tweet to someone’s attention by tagging it with @ and their twitter handle:

Hey @businesssolver! Love your webinar series!

(I guarantee that if we saw this, we would like it, retweet it, and follow you! Just saying.)

When you tag someone in this way, you leverage not only your audience, but theirs too. If their audience is very big, that could be very good for you!

Alan has a technique for finding and growing an audience that’s truly interested in you and what you have to say. Check out the webinar to see what it is! (Here’s a hint: Follow your competitors’ followers!)

Final Things to Consider…

  1. Keep your tweets engaging.
  2. Use hashtags that reach a large audience (3 or 4 per Tweet)
  3. Jump right in and make yourself part of the conversation! It’s not that scary…really!

Thanks so much to Allan Pollett for helping us out today! You can learn more about Allan and the services he offers at his website.

This is our last webinar for 2019! We’re busy getting the line-up for 2020 together, so please let us know if there’s a topic you’d like covered. Happy Holidays!

SEO 2015 and Beyond

Search Engine Optimization keeps changing! Small business owners need to keep on top of this to make sure that their small business is found online.

There are some significant changes that happened in early 2015 that you should take note of right now!

Watch this less than 20 minute video to learn everything that you need to know now.

Contact the Expert
Allan Pollett

Marketing Automation for Small Business

When we think marketing we often think advertising. But with business becoming more of a science, there are now marketing software out there that can help grow your business.
Obviously technology is more than just social media and your computer, and this is your opportunity to understand what some of those tools are that could help your business.
Marketing automation is one of the newest techniques out there. And it is becoming increasingly important as by 2020 it is estimated that 85% of a company’s customer interactions will be automated and through technology. This means that these marketing automation best practices are only going to become more important.
The 10 Commandments of Marketing Automation
1. Be 100% customer focused. What are your customers pain points?
2. Be pressure free. Gone are the days of the pushy sales person.
3. Support the internal sale. Remember that you are working with more than the decider when you are selling. There are influencers and other stakeholders you need to communicate with.
4. Marketing automation is part of your integrated inbound marketing strategy.
5. Drive repeat purchases. Keep them engaged!
6. Content driven. Have relevant new content to keep them interested.
7. It must be multi channel. Not everyone uses one communication channels. There are many and they are growing!
8. Reflect interest, not just action. Interest is important too!
9. Accessible no matter how someone is accessing the information.
10. Cross platform. The new normal is using different devices.
Find out more and what software is available through the video!

Contact the Expert
Andrea Orozco

Starting Up Right

Starting up your business can leave you feeling out of your element as you are moving up a huge learning curve. There are a few common pitfalls that you need to look out for.
1. Business structure
2. Planning
3. Testing for your Minimum Viable Product
4. Brand Properties
5. Loyalty / CRM
If you have these components in place, you are much more likely to be successful. Watch the video to understand each pitfall and the best practices around them.


Contact the Expert

Small Business Start-up Professional
The Startup Shop Prez CL

Want more? Here are some additional small business resources:

Lean Start-up: Eric Reis
The Four Hour work Week :Tim Ferris
The Ultimate Question: Fred Reichheld

YouTube’s Powerful Tricks

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This means that it is a huge opportunity for your business to be found.

This video will cover the following;
#1. You need to have a goal and the types of goals your YouTube strategy could have.
#2. Video creation and the different options that are available to you.
#3. Keyword search and how to find out how you should title or describe your video.
#4. Rank your video. There are tons of ways to do this including your title, description, tags, annotations, transcription, channel subscribers, channel authority, video views, video view duration, video feedback, likes/dislikes, favourites, inbound links, social shares, and embeds.
If you don’t know all of the ways to rank your videos, this 37 minute video is for you!

Contact The Expert!

Allan Pollett

Expert’s Resources

Online video tools: Animoto, Xtranormal, Flixpress
Video software: Camtasia, After Effects

Twitter’s Best Kept Secrets

The Twitter-verse continues to expand, and too few businesses understand how to leverage it. Many of Twitter’s secrets are revealed in 30 minutes.


What this video covers is;
– how to shorten your links to give yourself more room for your real message
– how to use hashtags and which ones to use? Especially when tweeting for a specific target market
– when is the best time to tweet?
– how to create a tweet that really speaks to your audience? And how to test or improve you tweets?
– how to add pop or entice people to read your tweet? How to stand out?


Allan Pollett, our social media and SEO guru, brings to light the secrets to get you started.


Link to video: https://youtu.be/sLn4SjBnagg


Contact the subject matter expert

Allan Pollett
t: 905-417-9470
e: allanp73@gmail.com


Other videos to check out

LinkedIn by Allan Pollett: https://youtu.be/szYm9QMHbQ0
Social SEO by KBQ: https://youtu.be/m8hk8HVJH6c
Using Blogging To Grow Your Business by Linda Dessau: https://youtu.be/rIh1oiF5XC0