Tag Archives: SMM

Starting Up Right

Starting up your business can leave you feeling out of your element as you are moving up a huge learning curve. There are a few common pitfalls that you need to look out for.
1. Business structure
2. Planning
3. Testing for your Minimum Viable Product
4. Brand Properties
5. Loyalty / CRM
If you have these components in place, you are much more likely to be successful. Watch the video to understand each pitfall and the best practices around them.


Contact the Expert

Small Business Start-up Professional
The Startup Shop Prez CL

Want more? Here are some additional small business resources:

Lean Start-up: Eric Reis
The Four Hour work Week :Tim Ferris
The Ultimate Question: Fred Reichheld

YouTube’s Powerful Tricks

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. This means that it is a huge opportunity for your business to be found.

This video will cover the following;
#1. You need to have a goal and the types of goals your YouTube strategy could have.
#2. Video creation and the different options that are available to you.
#3. Keyword search and how to find out how you should title or describe your video.
#4. Rank your video. There are tons of ways to do this including your title, description, tags, annotations, transcription, channel subscribers, channel authority, video views, video view duration, video feedback, likes/dislikes, favourites, inbound links, social shares, and embeds.
If you don’t know all of the ways to rank your videos, this 37 minute video is for you!

Contact The Expert!

Allan Pollett

Expert’s Resources

Online video tools: Animoto, Xtranormal, Flixpress
Video software: Camtasia, After Effects

Twitter’s Best Kept Secrets

The Twitter-verse continues to expand, and too few businesses understand how to leverage it. Many of Twitter’s secrets are revealed in 30 minutes.


What this video covers is;
– how to shorten your links to give yourself more room for your real message
– how to use hashtags and which ones to use? Especially when tweeting for a specific target market
– when is the best time to tweet?
– how to create a tweet that really speaks to your audience? And how to test or improve you tweets?
– how to add pop or entice people to read your tweet? How to stand out?


Allan Pollett, our social media and SEO guru, brings to light the secrets to get you started.


Link to video: https://youtu.be/sLn4SjBnagg


Contact the subject matter expert

Allan Pollett
t: 905-417-9470
e: allanp73@gmail.com


Other videos to check out

LinkedIn by Allan Pollett: https://youtu.be/szYm9QMHbQ0
Social SEO by KBQ: https://youtu.be/m8hk8HVJH6c
Using Blogging To Grow Your Business by Linda Dessau: https://youtu.be/rIh1oiF5XC0

Simple Website Best Practices

Websites are a normal way to get visibility to your business. But there are some common pitfalls that all entrepreneurs face when trying to get their bang for their buck online.


The topics in this webinar include graphic design basics, website strategy, social media integration, navigation, website platforms, and SEO basics to help you get started.


Website best practices are constantly evolving and these are the hot tips and tricks today.


If you want to learn more, reach out to the subject matter expert;

Kagan Mustafa