Thinking Stage
Is There a Need?
The Outcome: An assessment of what your customer needs to help them decide whether they’ll buy from you.
What’s the Right Business Model?
The Outcome: A decision on what business model will best meet your needs.
Competitive Analysis
The Outcome: A clear picture of what you’re up against.
Who Is Your Target Market?
The Outcome: The ability to “see” your target customer walking down the street & fully understand them.
Competitive Edge
The Outcome: Insight into what makes your offering different & better than your competition’s.
Choosing Revenue Streams
The Outcome: A decision about how much time and resources you’ll put into each of your revenue streams, based on how much they generate relative to each other.
Creating Your Vision
The Outcome: A motivation vision that you can communicate to everyone.
Creating a Business Name
The Outcome: A business name that works and helps you move forward with more important things.
Networking for a Difference
The Outcome: A strategic networking plan that saves you time and helps you make more money.
Getting a Mentor
The Outcome: A mentor that’s a good fit for you and your business. Mentors, on average, increase a small business’ success by 80%!
Getting the Most out of a Mentor
The Outcome: A plan to implement best practices for working with a mentor to ensure that the experience is as positive and mutually beneficial for both of you as possible.