Small Business Finance get the financing you need Financing your business can be tough. Where to start? Finance Basics What are you selling and how much are you charging for this? Plus figure out what your break even is. Start here. Your Projections All of your projections can be done here from your income statement, balance sheet, start up costs, sales projections, and your cash flow. Start here. Financing Options Not only can you find how to finance your business, but there are more resources to understand investors and ways to negotiate with them. Start here. Financial Decisions This is the bonus part of decisions that area financially related including what to spend money on, getting cash into and keeping it in your business, how to increase your price, and when to stop. Start here.
NEED MORE CUSTOMERS? Identify your major roadblocks to getting customers and focus on improving the areas that will get you sales fast
WHAT MARKETING TOOLS TO USE? Find out how to get in front of your customers with choosing the best marketing tools using the time and money you have
FINANCES GOT YOU PUZZLED? Access templates and videos., or learn to write your own business plan using our self directed templates.