Who Do You Need In Your Business?

Starting your own business takes a lot of work and activity! It is crazy to think you can do everything yourself.

But who do you need and when do you need them? Be prepared to find these people or if you have them keep them for when you need them.

People are the most important resources out there, so make sure that you are managing them well.

Topics that are covered are;
– Who do you need as a technology company? What is the best practices for this type of structure?
– Who do you need as a service business? What are some of the specific challenges that are faced here?
– Who do you need as a manufacturer? How do you ensure that you will continue to grow and not become overwhelmed?

Contact The Expert

The Small Business Solver Team

Need to Know HR for Small Business

Hiring and managing employees and contractors as a small business owner has many unknown hazards ahead.

In 30 minutes learn about the most common HR mistakes and how to avoid them. What are the steps to take in some of these situations?

Do you know what to do when you are firing someone?
How much vacation time does someone get?
What is the difference between severance and termination pay?
When and how do you make someone an employee?
Do you know how to hire?

Meredith Arnot

Want to see the presentation? Basic HR for Small Business Slides Only

SEO Now!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always changing. Your website is ranked based on staying up to date on these changes.

Learn the ins and outs of what is changing in SEO and how this could impact whether or not people find your small business online. If you don’t know these tips and what changes your rankings could drop!

On the flip side, there are things that haven’t changed and may never change. What this means for your small business is that if you focus on these best practices, your small business website will be protected and maintain its high rank regardless of SEO changes.

Keep up to date on all of the Search Engine Optimization changes for small business as we run online seminar like this every 6 months.

Contact The Expert
Allan Pollett

Proposal Writing A to Z

Proposal writing is what makes your breaks your larger business to business sales. Are you able to convey your message in a persuasive way so that you land the sale.

In business to business selling there is a more formalized process of how the organization buys. Often there are;
– more than one person helping to make the decision
– other large organizations that are bidding for the business
– specific criteria that aids the organization in selecting how to proceed
– a process to be followed
– a huge amount of business to walk away with

To write and win this business, there is a different way to frame your message. Learn how to land this bigger business by following the right steps.

Contact The Expert

The Small Business Solver Team

CRM Tour for Small Business Owners

A huge part of building your customer relationships is to not only listen, but to also remember. But remembering is nearly impossible when you think about the number of clients that you have. And even if it is easy at the beginning, if you are planning on growing it will become more difficult.

Do you remember their names?
What they bought last time?
If they like one colour or another?
The name of their dog?

It is strange how important it is to us and to others that someone remembers information about us. It makes us feel more important. And it makes use like the person who remembered!

Having a CRM or Customer Relationship Management tool will help your small business remember these details and build a stronger, lasting relationship with your clients.

Contact The Expert

The Small Business Solver Tech Team

Build a Local Small Business Marketing Plan

Small businesses have a competitive advantage versus the larger businesses in the local market. So why wouldn’t you take advantage of this?

Walk through the best practices of a marketing plan and then have it fine tuned in order to reach out to the local, regional market. Then learn to use and implement the local marketing tools.

The overview of the video is:

Step 1: Marketing Goal
Step 2: Marketing Budget
Step 3: Target Market
Step 4: Your Message
Step 5: Your Local Marketing Tools

Contact Your Expert

Carla Langhorst

Like the slides? Download slides

Crowdfunding in Canada

Crowdfunding is one of the new up and coming ways to finance your business. If we look at the international market place, there is $3-5 billion dollars that has been raised in crowdfunding efforts.
This is through over 300 portals internationally with 45 of them available to Canadians. Traditionally crowdfunding works by donation or reward.
The latest and greatest is that crowdfunding will soon be available in Canada to raise equity. This is going to make raising equity less expensive to do and easier to do.
Now is the time to prepare your business for this new opportunity. Learn how in this 20 minute video.

Contact the Expert
Mike Hook
e:  mike@intrepidlaw.ca

Revenue Generation

Increasing our small business revenue generation is something that most entrepreneurs are concerned with. In this video we learn why all entrepreneurs need to make it the top priority and we walk through the 4 main things that we need to focus on to help our revenue grow.
1. Number of leads
2. Improve conversion rates
3. Increase the price of the average sale
4. Increase the number of sales per period
Plus we walk through all of the tools we have at our fingertips to help improve these 4 areas. Watch it now!

Contact the Expert
Gary Brown
FocalPoint Coaching

How To Do A Quarterly Review?

How do we know if we are on track for our yearly goal? How can we ensure that our strategy is working?
Small business owners need to do a quarterly review!
Without a quarterly review we are falling into the trap of working in our business and not on it. All of our activities become tasks rather than things that will help our business grow.
This video walks through:
1. Why is a review so critical? What are the reasons why our quarterly review might be higher or lower than we expected? What are the reasons why we might have to tweak the rest of our annual plan?
2. Super quick overview of strategic planning
3. How to do a quarterly review. What to be analyzing and what to be considering for the future.
4. Best practices and the top things to avoid when executing a strategic plan.

Contact The Expert
The Small Business Solver Team
Additional Resources
Like the PowerPoint? how do to a quarterly review
Want a template to use for your quarterly review? Quarterly-Review-MODEL

Avoid The Top Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail

Small business owners don’t have it easy. It is an uphill battle and we are always told that the odds are forever against us.

So what are we supposed to avoid and really look out for as small business owners?

This starts off with the reality check of how many small businesses actually fail and what the success rates are.

Then we look at what industries are more successful, what areas of Canada are starting businesses, and if Canada is competitive.

Then we look at the top 5 things to avoid.

Finally we compare this to what non-profits should be considering.

Contact the Expert

Carla Langhorst
e: Carla@smallbusinesssolver.com