Cash Flow Management

Cash is king – especially when it comes to small businesses, which rarely have the credit line or bailout investors lined up to help them when times are rough. Implementing a good cash flow management process means that you’re able to track how much cash is moving in and out of the business. Your cash flow management process can be as simple as watching your bank account balance, or as complicated as figuring out a 12-month sales projection, but you do need to put a process in place.

Why? The reason is simple: At some point, every business is close to the red line. At that point especially, you need a good understanding of your cash flow situation so that you can make good decisions about investments and commitments to partners, suppliers, and customers.

Use this module to learn about cash management planning and why it’s important for your business.

Topic Objective: To learn about the true importance of cash to a business, and why you need to know where it goes and where it comes from.

Your Outcome: The ability to forecast potential cash crunches.

Learn More About Cash Flow Management


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