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Why Work Out Calculations When You Don’t Have To?
There are many different calculators that can help identify your small business challenges, areas for improvement, or help complete your financials for you.
Find calculators that can save you time.
Business Idea Tester
What question this really answers: The break-even of your business idea, the break-even with salary expectations, and whether your allotted time committments will be sufficient to meet these break-even numbers.
Business Solver
What question this really answers: Based on what stage of business you are in and what your specific business questions are, this calculator highlights where you should start your training.
Sales Solver
What question this really answers: Depending on how many customer leads you have in each stage of the sales funnel, this calculator will highligher where the sales funnel is below average.
Personality Assessment
What question this really answers: What are you expectations out of your role as an entrepreneur and whether these are aligned with what you believe you can achieve. This is also great for personality testing a new business partner.
How Much Is Your Website Worth?
What question this really answers: Based on common ways that investors rate websites, where is your website ranked and where is there room for improvement.